Thursday, October 21, 2010

a night out in muscat

well, i hit the town and with the size of my ass there must have been a ripple round town!! ended up at rock bottom - i love the place . danced the night away and managed to insult a  bloke - he was chatting away and i told him he had great hair - he thought i said grey hair - made us both laugh though when we cleared it up.

met some buddies and we dance a lot - well i swayed by big bootie to the beat - small children are thankfully not allowed in as i could wipe them out with my attempt to shake my butt! one wonderful and at times annoying things about muscat is how many men wither with adoration as any woman walks past. well my face ain't so bad to look at - i guess- so my ego was flattered by the attention.

i plan to be single for as long as i can - hopefully life. tried the marriage thing for years and it was wonderful till i screwed it up. heart still bruised from the pain i inflicted on it. i think i could get another degree in missing and misery!! i continually tell myself - turn around and have a look at your ass and give it a kick - which means shut up and get on.

was thinking that i think too much. i envy the idea of being a thick, selfish, shit of a person as life would be so much easier.  i worry too much, care too much, think too much and, of course, drink too much.  it is good to care for others but sometimes i need to remember to care a little more for myself.  i am brilliant at forgiving others their errors and actually love characters who are outragous, but i am crap at forgiving myself! mmm what a waste of time - the past is gone it is our history, the future is kinda out of our control so live in the present as it is a gift! yea, i need to take my own advice


  1. Hi,

    I'm female and always up for a giggle, let me know how to contact you :)


  2. I second Loola's comment :)

  3. Saw your blog while browsing angry in Oman... quite witty too and i liked the way you write !! :). Waiting for your next edition of blogs

  4. Hi,
    I'm a single woman considering a career move to Muscat. I'd really like o know how you got on with making new friends and finding your feet. An update would be great to read.
